Sunday, May 31, 2009

Shidax Please!

Let's go karaoke :). This is my friend's favorite place to spend her time singing.
I like its interior, though it's only decorated with some printed paintings, or poster like in the image below.
With 600 Yen/person, you can start singing from 10AM-8PM.
I went there only once, and felt a little bit weird to hear my own voice :). They have quite a big collection, but just a few are my favorite.
Yuri San: Donna uta ga suki desuka? (What songs do you like?)
Hiro San: Iro-iro (Anything)


VP said...

I have no experience of these places, but it seems a good way to spend some time with friends.

Prospero said...

I don't sing ( actually, I bark) but... I do like that first photo. What enticing colors.

Kaori said...

I usually go to Karaoke-kan! But Shidax is a lot more fancy...the interior looks very french :) What do you sing, henny?

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos even though karaoke is not my thing. I'm pretty sure that if I tried, I would be banned from the place for life:-)

Babzy.B said...

i like singing , but never been in a place like this , it must be fun with friends :) so what kind of music do you like ?

henny said...

@ VP, it's a good way spending some time sneaking all the rooms and watching your friend singing :).
@ Prospero, I'm a little undecided with which the first and the last photo :). You bark?
@ Kaori, my friend did mention about another karaoke house (she's such a karaoke goddess:)), but I don't know its name. I'm humming :)
@ Christopher, my friend had to drag me to join her and it's all on her including the food :). Well, it's a matter of whether you feel confident enough to sing or not. I don't think I have the guts to sing in front of people.
@ Babzy, I like all kinds of music, classical, jazz, you name it. I recently enjoy some Indian and Middle Eastern songs, too.

Unseen India Tours said...

What A Place And Interior!! Lovely

Dina said...

Shalom Henny.
I arrive via Eki's Bandung.
Nice blog and city you have.
What a big karaoke place!
My daughter in Australia has a computer game for it. So on my last visit Naomi, my 5 year old grandson, and I were sitting on their couch at home and singing old American songs into the microphones and reading the lyrics from the TV screen. So funny.

Greetings to you from Jerusalem.

henny said...

Salam, Dina. Happy you enjoy some little things from Saijo. I'm not a native here, but I'd love to share what I experience to our community. I visited your blog several times, tho I'm like a silence visitor there :).