Thursday, July 23, 2009

I Heart Tea

I do love this tea shop. But it takes 50 minutes and 650 Yen to get there. The shop is at Mihara station. Took the photo two weeks ago on my second visit to the town.


Kaori said...

I heart tea, too! Why are all the good shops so far away???

VP said...

I am sorry that I don't 'heart' tea, but like the shop anyway: it is really a nice place.

Stefan Jansson said...

I enjoy tea, and I prefer green tea. I guess you bought quite a lot of tea here then if you had to travel for nearly an hour to get there.

Unknown said...

Lovely little shop!

James said...

What a cute little place.

henny said...

Thank you everyone.
Umm, I forgot to mention that it also took one bottle of black tea and green tea to and from the shop? :).

ical said...

thirsty or just hobby??:p
A nice shot. by the way i like tea too, but prefer coffee.
dunno what's green nor black tea. what about sosro or sariwangi, is it black or green??

henny said...

Ical, the main variants of Sosro and Sariwangi are black tea. They produce green tea, though not the main product. Try Joy Tea green tea from Sosro :).
Black tea and green tea have different taste. And if you brew green tea, it looks green at first before turning a little red/brown. And it tastes so good, trust me :).