Tuesday, July 7, 2009

To Make A Wish

Today, July 7th is Tanabata day , a Japanese star festival. It's when people write their wish on a piece of paper called Tanzaku and then hang it on decorated bamboo branches. According to my teacher, in order to have your wishes come true, don't forget to write your name on it. The festival itself derived from the Chinese star festival which is now has become one of Japanese tradition.


Kaori said...

Happy Tanabata, henny! Can you read what that says? I don't think it's Japanese...Chinese maybe? What was your wish? :)

Babzy.B said...

make a wish , good idea !My wish is to visit Japan one day ;)

henny said...

@ Kaori, you're right, it's in Chinese.
@ Babzy, yes, why not, everybody comes to Japan ;).

henny said...

@ Kaori again, I wrote mine in Bahasa Indonesia ;).