Friday, April 17, 2009


Get the brochures for free.
Next to the Kamoizumi, another sake house with a display room. When I went there, it's open, yet closed :).
The man is carrying a basket of pure rice.

Pure water and pure rice are the two ingredients that make Saijo sake as one of the best.
Actually, Saijo's very best water is concentrated in a very narrow strip of land. That's why most of the area of sake breweries were established in a very small section of Saijo.

Right across the house I posted yesterday, our today sake house is Kamoizumi. On the top of the house is an ornament which is usually found hanging on the front.
For more information, here's the link and you can enjoy more photos by H.Orihashi whose collection is really awesome. I envy him so much...

Yuri San: Shasin o torimasuka? (You take pictures?)
Hiro San: Haik, sumi desu (Yes, it's my hobby)


VP said...

I am fascinated by the floor tiling of the first photo. Is it like this for same reason or just by chance?
Beautiful images, I really enjoy this sake house panoramic!

Julie said...

excellent photos and I definitely look forward to visiting a sake house. You have taught me something new. The architectural details are great. I am glad you enjoyed the pink Chihuly glass art on my site. Sorry for the delay in responding as I am traveling in Morocco. I have now moved to Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin West series.

Unknown said...

I love the 1st shot! What a great atmosphere!

Answering to your question, the palace is now a museum.

joo said...

Great post! I love the well the most:)

GMG said...

I would rather take the ske than the brochures... ;) Nice pictures!

Henny san: Do you make comments?
Trotter san: Haik, sumi desu!


GMG said...

«take sake», not ske... sumimasen

Tall Gary said...

The vertically-barred windows remind me of this 1857 woodblock print by Hiroshige I saw recently. It was a daimyo warlord residence in Edo (now Tokyo). That place is now Hibiya Park.

Vogon Poet:

Let’s look at some traditional Japanese interiors to try to answer your question about the tiles. What is your opinion?

Is there harmony in asymmetry?

Vertical rectangles? Horizontal rectangles? Squares? Staggered-level shelves? Do they manage to work together? If so or if not, why?

Would flooring like that in the top photo go well, or not, with this style of architecture?

Are there echoes in any Japanese walkways? Or traditional inn flooring?

Not having access to the person who laid that floor we can only guess.

Tall Gary said...

Come to think about it, that floor almost has this design, doesn’t it?

You might be able to see similar designs here; or here.

Why would they stagger walkways and bridges like that? Wikipedia had something about zig-zag bridges that said, “The zig-zag of paths and bridges also follows a principle of Feng Shui. Negative energy and bad spirits are believed to have problems navigating corners, while people and good energy have no such problem.” Just the kind of escape route you need if you want to keep ghosts from catching you!

Or maybe it is that the first visual path leads to the first entrance on the left and the second visual pathway leads to the entrance at the back.

Unknown said...

Henny, you've captured these sake houses beautifully. I do like to see the traditional houses of Japan.

Emma Bond said...

Hi Henny, we love your blog.... it's interesting and beautiful. My daughter starts her Japanese classes tomorrow and is very excited!

henny said...

VP, commonly in Japanese house they use Tatami for flooring. As you might know, we usually leave the shoes outside and replace them with sandals before entering a house . In this photo, it's a veranda which is used as display room. Almost all traditional houses I see use floor tiling like this.

Julie, everybody I know goes to Morocco. Me want to :)). A friend of mine sent me photos of her Moroccan trip last month, too.

JM and Joo, thanks soooo much:)

GMG, haik, wakarimashita!!! :))

Gary, wow, how you managed to find such valuable information? I didn't know that. Thanks for helping me.

Christopher, you are welcomed in Saijo :)

Emma, send my hi to your daughter. Ganbarimasyo, I'm learning Japanese, too. Mutsukashi desu ne...