Monday, January 11, 2010

An urge to gather

A cold cloudy weather this morning, but it didn't stop those farmers from gathering, perhaps discussing about rice price today or what to do with their large field during winter. The harvest season was over at the end of summer. Here in Japan rice field only being planted once a year during summer makes its unproductive period lasts longer despite the fact they make good use of technology. That's what I see in Saijo and its neighboring villages. The three-day holiday is over today. Happy weekdays, everyone.


joo said...

Happy weedays to you Henny:)
This field reminds me the autumn and bonfires here - now everything is coverd with snow!

Tall Gary said...

Nice colors, composition and atmosphere. That “stripe” at the bottom is so vivid; and the bright grey smoke rising to fill the bright grey sky adds movement, interest and life. One can almost hear the subdued silence.

I never thought of it before. Do Japanese rice farmers ever rotate crops?

VP said...

The weekend is gone in smoke...

Kaori said...

I wish I could have some down time in the winter too! A bonfire is always a good reason to gather together, isn't it? :D