Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Rice

The rice which was about to be harvested. Taken in the summer end 2009, I felt like showing you paddy fields in Saijo since I didn't post any photos in the end of last year.
Compare with my Jan 11th post, which I took about 100 meters away from this point of view. And to answer Gary's question, farmers don't do rotate crops, they just clean it to be ready for the next use in summer. Rarely enough, there's a small field in town which was turned to be a temporary parking space :).


Eki said...

That's a beautiful photo of the rice ... Kemana saja selama ini, Henny?

Babzy.B said...

I love the first shot very much !!!

joo said...

I've never seen rice in my life - I mean rice as a plant of course.
It's lovely. And I like the field!

Tall Gary said...

Rice: Close and closer; (and getting even closer yet, here).

Your top photo really is tops. It looks like a photo taken by a professional for an art-photo, coffee-table book.

Are there any rice-planting festivals in your area of Hiroshima?

Thank you for answering my question about crop rotation. I know Japan used to use night soil a lot but I guess they rely mostly on synthetic fertilizers now. I wonder if that is a good thing in the long run.

henny said...

Eki: Baik-baik saja, Pak. Sempat pulang lebaran ke kampung juga :)

Babzy and Joo, being near rice fields area, we get the freshest rice to buy.

Gary, hey, I didn't know that. Thanks, I'll search for the info. That girl, she's got long-grained rice, probably a type grown in East or South-East Asia. Don't you think so? And what's the best to plant during cool and cold weather?

jik said...

Just want sleep on those fields , they are beautiful and ofcourse after a hard rice meal.