Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Just like this

There's never enough snow in Saijo. Like today, it only lasted 3 hours.


VP said...

It's the same here, it keeps trying but doesn't 'catch'...

Babzy.B said...

Like the first shot very much !

Kaori said...

Ooh, the first photo is very cool :D What does it say?

Jennie said...

Love that first shot!

Tall Gary said...

I like the way that the snow is hiding from us viewers, we can hardly tell it’s there, just a few streaks and blotches. Kind of like the snow has been hiding from you, Henny.

I think that the real story of these images is not what we see at first but what is almost hidden within the images.

henny said...

Thank you everyone. It's predicted a little heavy snow will hit Saijo on Wednesday this week :).
Kaori, it probably says "Daishin", as I took this photo in front of Daishin, a gift shop and photo studio.
Gary, you bet, I thought so. every time it sees me with a camera :).